Psoriasis is a non-infectious chronic auto-immune disease, with the dysregulation of immune system. The immune system in the body enters the “self-defence” mode and attack the normal epithelial cells. The skin becomes thicker, peeled and swelled. About 10-20% of patients may suffer from Psoriatic Arthritis as the cells located in the ankle are damaged.

Nowadays, there are 5 to 6 types of targeted medications for psoriasis pathology to treat imbalanced immune system and successfully help more than 80 to 90% of patients to achieve therapeutic effectiveness for controlling the symptoms progression. Unfortunately, as the drugs are expensive and there will be recurrence after stopping the medications, increasing number of researches are based on treating Psoriasis completely. Although the research results are limited, and Psoriasis is still not yet eliminated fully, some researches showed that epigenetic change is one of the main reasons for rapidly increasing incidence of autoimmune diseases. Due to the accumulated external factors, the genetic disposition for risks of diseases are expressed. Therefore, in order to treat Psoriasis completely, we need to effectively eliminate the external factors, such as smoking, binge drinking, emotional stress, upper respiratory infection, metabolic diseases, obesity and gut microbiota dysbiosis are found possibly related to the Psoriasis epigenetic change. Thus, other than medications treatment, we need to tackle the disease in daily lives. The patients are encouraged to keep emotionally stable and calm. They should not intake excessively processed, fried and irritative food to promote gut microbiota balance and healthy.
